Nagging thoughts of the day:
If an ambulance hits you on the way to an emergency, does it stop to render aid or drive on to the first emergency?
If I had a nickel for every time I said ‘If I had a nickel,’ I’d say ‘If I had a nickel’ more.
How can something be ‘New and Improved?’ If it’s new, what is it improving on?
And now, this…
Factslap, bitches:
- The tiger is the largest wild cat in the world, weighting up to 720 pounds (363 kg), and stretching 6 feet (2 meters) long.
- Otters have a pouch in their fur to store their favorite rocks.
- Before fridges were invented, Russians and Finns kept their milk fresh by putting live frogs in it.
- During mating season, mouse lemur testes swell to be bigger than their brains.
- During the siege of Paris in 1870, all the city’s animals were eaten, including rats, mice, dogs, cats, donkeys, wolves and even an elephant.
- Milkshakes originally included alcohol.
- Hamsters can store half their own weight in food in their cheeks.
- Suring the Panic of 1893, JP Morgan used $60 million in bonds to bail out the United States government.