Tag Archives: Sun

A Grazin’ in the Sun

Images of the Sun captured by the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager instrument.

Here’s the good news about the pandemic, which finds us hunkered and bunkered while COVID and Science duke it out in the heavyweight bout of the millennium:

Science will win.

We know this because, while coronavirus is adaptive as hell, Science gets stronger every day. Why, just look at what it did with the other hand while battling coronavirus, like Neo batting away Mr. Smith after his enlightenment. Just last week, the Solar Orbiter came within 48 million miles of the sun’s surface, the closest we’ve ever had a camera.

In honor of the achievement, a FactSlap column, solar edition, illustrated by some of Orbiter’s best tourist snapshots.

  • The sun is the most perfectly round natural object known in the universe.ESA - Solar Orbiter's first images reveal 'campfires' on the Sun
  • The Sun accounts for about 99.86% of the total mass of the Solar System.
  • The beautiful symmetry of a total solar eclipse happens because —by pure chance— the sun is 400 times larger than the moon, but is also 400 times farther from Earth, making the two bodies appear the exact same size in the sky.Total Solar Eclipse Science
  • The theory that the Sun is the center around which the planets orbit was first proposed by the ancient Greek Aristarchus of Samos in the 3rd century BC.Aristarchus of Samos: The Greek pioneer of the heliocentric system ...
  • The Sun does not have a definite boundary, and in its outer parts, its density decreases exponentially with increasing distance from its center.Solar Orbiter, a new mission to the sun by Europe and NASA, to ...
  • 1.3 million Earths could fit inside the sun, an average-sized star.1.3 million Earths could fit inside the sun, an average sized star ...
  • Six ten-billionths of the Sun is gold.55 Interesting Facts About Gold You May Not Know | Facts.net
  • The Sun is thought to have completed about 20 orbits during its lifetime and just 1/1250th of an orbit since the origin of humans.Milky Way Galaxy - Crystalinks
  • A third of all Russians believe the Sun revolves around the Earth, according to state pollster VsTIOM.Mirror Image" of the Earth and Sun Discovered 3000 Light-Years Away
  • As passengers on Earth, we are all carried around the sun at a mean velocity of 66,600 mph. What are some mind-blowing facts about the Sun? - Quora
  • Your eyes can get sunburned.First Aid for Eye Sunburn
  • A bolt of lightning is 5 times hotter than the surface of the sun.Hotter than the Sun and Other Facts about lighting that will ...


A Life in the Day


By 11:35 a.m. PDT today, the ballyhoo had turned to bellyaching.

“I’m glad we all took the day off,” one miffed TV reporter snarked Monday from Boise, Idaho. “Obviously, I’m being sarcastic.”

Leave it to local TV news to explain the joke — and miss the point. We have evolved from beholding a total solar eclipse was The End of Days to a disappointing End of Lunch phenomenon. One CNN report actually quoted Twitter (has Trump somehow made that a legitimate source) who cracked that the eclipse was “Like Y2K, without the drama.”

A nice quip, but like the newscaster, it fails grasp the expansive truth of time, and our role in it. Today’s eclipse did happen, and it was rare.

Tomorrow it will be forgotten. But today, let the occasion be a reminder of little miracles, ones that add up to less than we expect in a year, but more than we could dream in a decade.

  • Depending on the geometry of the Sun, Moon, and Earth, there can be between 2 and 5 solar eclipses each year.
  • Totality occurs when the Moon completely obscures Sun so only the solar corona is showing.
  • A total solar eclipse can happen once every 1-2 years. This makes them very rare events.s.
  • The longest a total solar eclipse can last is 7.5 minutes.
  • The width of the path of totality is usually about 160 km across and can sweep across an area of Earth’s surface about 10,000 miles long.
  • Almost identical eclipses occur after 18 years and 11 days. This period of 223 synodic months is called a saros.
  • During a total solar eclipse, conditions in the path of totality can change quickly. Air temperatures drop and the immediate area becomes dark.
  • If any planets are in the sky at the time of a total solar eclipse, they can be seen as points of light.