Tag Archives: Senate

A Real Conversation with a Warren Ground Trooper

Image result for warren trump

Last night, on my way to dinner, I received a text from the Elizabeth Warren campaign. I’ve received many as California heads toward its Super Tuesday primary vote. This time I decided to engage. Unlike Donald Trump’s perfect phone call, you really can read this transcript, in its entirety:

Warren’s office: Hi there! It’s Dana with Warren for President. Is this Guy?
Me: The one and only. (FYI: Calls are recorded to ensure quality of service.) How can I help you?
Warren:  I’m volunteering for Elizabeth because corruption in Washington is preventing real change, and Elizabeth is determined to be a president who works for the people, not big donors. Which presidential candidate are you planning on supporting in the upcoming California primary?
Me: Please answer this one question that keeps me on the fence, and moderators will not ask.
Warren: I would love to!
Me: Let’s say, god willing, Liz wins. How does she plan to take the keys to the WH when Donnie Dimwit refuses? Because you know, if he contests an election he WINS, he will certainly claim her victory fraudulent.
He’s already made a strategic appointment of a lackey in the Defense Dept. Image result for richard grenell
                                       (Richard Grenell, Trump’s new head of U.S. Intelligence)
The question is far more important than Medicare, the tax plan, you name it. The contender for the Dems needs to answer that primary question before getting to those secondary ones.
So where does she stand on that issue? Thank you.
Warren: I completely understand that and it’s a great question! Luckily, she has a great plan for that called “Restoring Integrity and Competence to Government After Trump.” It may not answer all your questions, as Trump is pretty unpredictable, but you can find it here: https://elizabethwarren.com/plans/after-trump
Me: You know her team needs something stronger than a url. Liz needs to do the Constitutional research to have a strong answer about how a sitting president is forcibly removed from office. Then offer something like this: “I believe our military (or whatever agency is required) will follow the Constitution and take the necessary measures.”
Warren: They definitely have strong plans, I just wanted to send you the link so you could read the plan straight from her mouth (or, rather, her hands as she typed it up)! It is hard because there is no Constitutional precedent so even though Trump resisting a peaceful transition of power is clearly unconstitutional, nobody knows quite yet how to prepare. She was a law professor though and has supreme knowledge of the Constitution, so I trust her!
Me: Good answer. Still needs a polished response, because sooner or later, it will come up. Best of  luck. Oh, and float this by her, too. 🙂
Warren:  I absolutely understand that! Thank you so much. And I’ll read your article. 🙂
When I got back home, I visited the Warren web site, an impressive manifesto that lists, by bullet points, what she would do in office. I highly recommend reading it. Among her promises:
  • My administration will not hire any current lobbyists. 
  • My administration will not hire employees of for-profit federal contractors, unless I personally review the situation and decide it is in the national interest. 
  • My administration will not hire executives of companies that break federal law or are under investigation unless six years have passed since the conclusion of the investigation or enforcement action.
  • My administration will not hire any person who receives a “golden parachute” from their employer.
  • To prevent conflicts of interest, officials in my administration will have to divest from any individual stock, bond, or other investment that federal ethics officials determine may be directly influenced by the actions of the employee’s agency.
  • Senior officials in my administration will be required to divest from all complex investments – including individual stocks and bonds, as well as commercial real estate and privately-owned or closely-held businesses. 
  • Senior officials must also commit to divesting any interests in family trusts if ethics officials determine that an asset belonging to the trust might pose a conflict of interest. 

It was in impressive list, with even more bullet points and specific proposals on the site. A nice dose of determinism and detail, and a respite from the glib ad pitches on the 24/7s.

But not one word in the entire screed about how to evict a squatter (literally) who refuses your notices of eviction. Whatever the volunteer thought Warren’s plan contained, it was not on Liz’s official website.

So I Googled it myself, with the following question: “What does the Constitution say about forcibly removing a sitting president?”

Turns out, the answer was as frightening as the question. The best I could find was a section of the 25th Amendment, which has become a chant of sorts among Never Trumpers, as its the only Amendment that even mildly addresses the issue when impeachment fails. Turns out that’s a red herring too.Image result for 25th amendment

Under the 25th Amendment’s fourth stipulation, it would only take 14 people to depose the president — Vice President Mike Pence and 13 of Trump’s 24 Cabinet members.trump Cabinet Confirmations (13)

Section IV of the amendment reads:

“Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.”

Translation: We’re screwed.

Look at the wanted poster above. Now spot 13 who would vote against President Pussy Grabber. Then imagine Pence, whose only job is White House wallpaper, leading that Gang of 13 through the revolt. If you did, please PayPal $100 to this site for your very own piece of the Brooklyn Bridge.

The truth is, the framers of the Constitution never envisioned that a man who hated his government winning election its highest office. Just as Catholics likely don’t have policy for removing a Pope who finger diddles little children (shit, they don’t have one for priests).Image result for the pope

That’s the problem with genuflecting to any aged text. Times will change. Type will not.

Yet, here we are. We’ve reached the point, with Trump’s transgressions in office, that he could, at least technically, lose a presidential election. He certainly could lose the popular vote, as he’s only the fifth president (after Adams, Hayes, Harrison and Bush II, all Republican) to take office on a technicality, the electoral college.Image result for Adams, Hayes, Harrison and Bush II

But even should he lose the electoral vote as well, who, exactly, leads the eviction? How do we respond when he contests the results and claims, as we know he would, that millions of illegal immigrants voted against him? Or that the Russians meddled, as they already are? And who would senators want as president during the appeals process? How would a Trump-weighted Supreme Court vote when it inevitable reached their desks?

There’s good reason to expect this scenario, beyond Trump’s toxic narcissism: The moment Trump leaves office, he becomes a civilian. A sue-able, arrest-able civilian. Should that day ever arrive, there must be a miles-long line of lawmakers and law enforcement brass eager to put bracelets on Trump.

Which is why that day will probably never come. The Giulianis and Dershowitzes of his staff would surely delay a legal decision until fat ass is either dead or dictator. Let’s take it further: Can anyone, wannabe president or casual reader, picture a scenario  where Trump loses an election, offers a hand to the victor and says “Good contest, (sir/madam), here are the keys. Don’t forget: You have to jiggle the master bedroom toilet handle.”Image result for trump folded arms

So I’ll repeat my question to the polite- but ill-informed Dana. Which candidate is going to offer a real answer, should we in the media ever work up the nerve to ask that question on a debate stage?

My guess is none, perhaps because the presidency itself has become irrelevant.

We know its time for Donnie to go. We also know he won’t.

So perhaps we should start focusing on the office with any real power — the Senate.

It’s time for a new gang of 13.





The Wit(ness)less Path

Image result for iowa caucus"

Evidentialism isn’t much on karma, but it fully embraces the concerto of circumstance. And today’s  was a doozy.

On the same day at the witness-less impeachment of Donald Trump whimpered to its inevitable euthanasia, the Iowa Caucuses kicked off a year of primaries, presidential puffery and, eventually, an actual vote to do something Nov. 3. Oh, and Rush Limbaugh has lung cancer (apparently that 30 years of hot air Rush spewed was carcinogenic). Image result for rush limbaugh"

Now that’s a confluence of events: One party will acquit its leader while another will appoint a new prosecutor. All while the war’s most inaccurate reporter rots from the inside. Say this for the upcoming presidential election: It will be the most honest in modern political history.

Doubt it? Love him or loathe him, does anyone truly feel like they don’t know who Donald Trump is? Are his supporters hard to distinguish? Are there really any on-the-fencers left in America? If so, what the fuck have you been doing for four years? Read something.

The Left, meanwhile, is harder to read; is Bernie a socialist? Will Warren really stick it to the .01%? Could the billionaire sniping between Michael Bloomberg and Trump get any better? (Trump accused Bloomberg of demanding boxes for debates. “The president is lying,” Bloomberg responded in a release. “He is a pathological liar who lies about everything: his fake hair, his obesity, and his spray-on tan.”)Image result for bloomberg trump"

Despite the differences on the Left, they do all share a through-line: All promise to have the spine to bitch-slap Trump. Democratic voters also have a singular though-line: Someone who will bitch-slap Trump.

Which is why Democrats should actually celebrate the vote the Senate took last week to bar any witnesses in the impeachment trial.

Consider, for a moment, the firmament the GOP would have claimed if it had allowed witnesses. Senators could have argued (however speciously) that the trial was a fair proceeding, complete with evidence and witnesses. Neither, however, amounted to enough to warrant removing the president, they would argue. Soak it in enough politispeak, and it may even sound legitimate.

Now, however, Republican Senators have to sell America on the impartiality of a witness-less trial. A much harder stretch, even when playing to dimwits. Like the jurors in the O.J. verdict and the lawmakers who voted to invade Iraq, there are names listed specifically behind these actions. We can decide if there will be a day of reckoning.Image result for oj verdict iraq"

A day after the Senate vote to ban witnesses, a wily hacker, presumably Democrat, massaged the Wikipedia entry on The United States Senate to read this:

The United States Senate was formerly the upper chamber of the United States Congress, which, along with the United States House of Representatives ― the lower chamber ― comprised the legislature of the United States. It died on January 31, 2020, when senators from the Republican Party refused to stand up to a corrupt autocrat calling himself the president of the United States, refusing to hear testimony that said individual blackmailed Ukraine in order to cheat in the 2020 presidential election.

After the hack, Wikipedia quickly took down the entry and restored the original, perhaps one of the first times Wiki has publicly made an entry inaccurate.

But the point was made. For three years, we have lied to ourselves about what would move the political needle: The Muller report? Nope. Ukraine? Next. Political assassinations? You’ll have to do better than that. The only thing that’s going to remove Trump is an overwhelming electoral loss. And even that may be disputed (the guys contested an election he won, for god’s sake).

The results in Iowa will do more than pick a first-round winner. When it and 49 others states have run their preliminary 5ks, they will give us a clearer picture of who we are as Americans. Are half of us flat-Earthers? Anti-vaxers? Half of us believe you’re in a cult. The other half think you’re too hard on the Kool-Aid. We’ll see in less than a year.

If we choose it, impeachment starts now. But make no mistake: We will sleep in beds we made.