Tag Archives: Sanders

The Periscope of Politics

HB Technology Editor Dan Brochstein recently uncovered the rarest of 21st Century creatures: the thoughtful internet post. Let’s exhibit in the wild, not shit on its natural habitat, and share the beauty of its existence. (And note the eerie parallels to Abrahamic religions.)

“…Republicans see the world via a top-down power structure and this top-down power structure and stratification of people into this structure is at the core of the Republican identity.The Inevitable Crash and Burn of Democrats' Identity Politics ...

The reason we often compare the Republican party to a cult is because they both share the same fundamental power structure. To the Republican voter, this hierarchy is critical to their identity and how they understand their place in the world. Without the structure, they have no power. If you ran into David Koresh or Charles Manson on the street, they would just be normal people. Anyone outside of this cult can easily see them for what they are: entirely powerless human beings like anyone else. But within the cult, they are god-figures with their own mythologies (Trump the successful businessman, Trump the master negotiator, Trump the genius, etc.).Most Americans don't see Donald Trump as religious | Pew Research ...
Progressives have figures like Greta Thunberg, Bernie Sanders, AOC, and so on. They are respected as people who advocate on behalf of the whole. But none of these people are elevated or worshiped as god-figures because it’s the antithesis of a bottom-up way of looking at the world; they are simply individuals representing the people.Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez unveil $180 billion 'Green New Deal' for ...
If you understand this, then it’s easy to understand the modern Republican voters and the unrest that we see in society right now. In the Republican worldview, Trump sits atop this power structure and is not to be questioned in the same way that a cult leader — however crazy his claims may seem — is not to be questioned. He is all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful. Even people like Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham fall in line after chiding Trump and even despite being personally spited by Trump.Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham Make Up on MSNBC
If you understand this, you can understand why the Karen phenomenon has seemingly exploded and why racism has as well: In the Republican hierarchy of power, if you are white, you are automatically higher in this structure than a person of color, a minimum wage worker, a barista, a teacher, an Uber driver, a custodian, an immigrant, etc. They see the abuse as a matter of fact; simply the order of things. Why did Ted Cruz fall in line despite Trump’s insult of this wife? Because it is Trump’s right to dole out abuse as the leader of this hierarchy. Why has police brutality gone off the deep end? For the same reason: the police see it as their right because they see themselves as higher in this power structure. Accountability is the exact inverse of this top-down power structure; accountability assumes that those at the bottom of this structure can control those at the top.false police report – The Randy Report
The racism, the bigotry, the hatred, the refusal to follow simple guidelines like wearing masks. They all come from the same place: These people believe that they are empowered because of their alignment to this hierarchy of power.
In contrast, progressives and Democrats tend to see the world in a bottom-up hierarchy. Movements like BLM and Occupy don’t have actual leaders because they are not organized as top-down structures. Constructs like unions — while there are leaders within the organization — are really meant to be a bottom-up organization of workers to counter a top-down hierarchy. Compare NPR to Sinclair broadcasting and you see the same dynamic at play. Concepts like community organizing, equality of the sexes, civil rights, equal pay for equal work, protections to ensure equal rights for LGBT, universal healthcare: these concepts all disrupt this hierarchy.Civil rights 2.0 - Black Lives Matter broadens its scope ...
This fundamental difference in worldview is the heart of why it seems impossible to reconcile your Fox watching parents, coworkers, and friends. They see this top-down hierarchy as key to the order in this world. They vote for people seemingly against their own interests because they seek to preserve this hierarchy and those candidates promise to do so. Stripping protections for LGBT, building the wall, treating immigrants harshly, the sub-human detention of undocumented migrants, the racism, the sexism — it’s just a matter of putting people in their place in this hierarchy. They’re not doing it to “stick it to the Libs” or “own the Libs”; they are doing it to preserve this power structure. Republican voters may be poor and near the bottom of this hierarchy, but in this hierarchy, they are still — in their minds — better than a person of color or an immigrant or a gay person.An armed protester stands in the Michigan Capitol Building in Lansing, on April 30.

To convince them to think otherwise, you have to understand how to disrupt this way of looking at the world but that also means that they have to come to face a reality where the lot of us are more or less pretty much equal. This is also why they are so fervently (Second Amendment) and why they love to play dress up when they “protest”: because the gun is another symbol which they believe places them higher in this power structure. To change the mind of a Republican whose whole identity is bound to this structure is to reveal to them that they are not nearly as powerful or as socially and economically empowered as they think they are and this is really scary for a lot of people.”

The Wit(ness)less Path

Image result for iowa caucus"

Evidentialism isn’t much on karma, but it fully embraces the concerto of circumstance. And today’s  was a doozy.

On the same day at the witness-less impeachment of Donald Trump whimpered to its inevitable euthanasia, the Iowa Caucuses kicked off a year of primaries, presidential puffery and, eventually, an actual vote to do something Nov. 3. Oh, and Rush Limbaugh has lung cancer (apparently that 30 years of hot air Rush spewed was carcinogenic). Image result for rush limbaugh"

Now that’s a confluence of events: One party will acquit its leader while another will appoint a new prosecutor. All while the war’s most inaccurate reporter rots from the inside. Say this for the upcoming presidential election: It will be the most honest in modern political history.

Doubt it? Love him or loathe him, does anyone truly feel like they don’t know who Donald Trump is? Are his supporters hard to distinguish? Are there really any on-the-fencers left in America? If so, what the fuck have you been doing for four years? Read something.

The Left, meanwhile, is harder to read; is Bernie a socialist? Will Warren really stick it to the .01%? Could the billionaire sniping between Michael Bloomberg and Trump get any better? (Trump accused Bloomberg of demanding boxes for debates. “The president is lying,” Bloomberg responded in a release. “He is a pathological liar who lies about everything: his fake hair, his obesity, and his spray-on tan.”)Image result for bloomberg trump"

Despite the differences on the Left, they do all share a through-line: All promise to have the spine to bitch-slap Trump. Democratic voters also have a singular though-line: Someone who will bitch-slap Trump.

Which is why Democrats should actually celebrate the vote the Senate took last week to bar any witnesses in the impeachment trial.

Consider, for a moment, the firmament the GOP would have claimed if it had allowed witnesses. Senators could have argued (however speciously) that the trial was a fair proceeding, complete with evidence and witnesses. Neither, however, amounted to enough to warrant removing the president, they would argue. Soak it in enough politispeak, and it may even sound legitimate.

Now, however, Republican Senators have to sell America on the impartiality of a witness-less trial. A much harder stretch, even when playing to dimwits. Like the jurors in the O.J. verdict and the lawmakers who voted to invade Iraq, there are names listed specifically behind these actions. We can decide if there will be a day of reckoning.Image result for oj verdict iraq"

A day after the Senate vote to ban witnesses, a wily hacker, presumably Democrat, massaged the Wikipedia entry on The United States Senate to read this:

The United States Senate was formerly the upper chamber of the United States Congress, which, along with the United States House of Representatives ― the lower chamber ― comprised the legislature of the United States. It died on January 31, 2020, when senators from the Republican Party refused to stand up to a corrupt autocrat calling himself the president of the United States, refusing to hear testimony that said individual blackmailed Ukraine in order to cheat in the 2020 presidential election.

After the hack, Wikipedia quickly took down the entry and restored the original, perhaps one of the first times Wiki has publicly made an entry inaccurate.

But the point was made. For three years, we have lied to ourselves about what would move the political needle: The Muller report? Nope. Ukraine? Next. Political assassinations? You’ll have to do better than that. The only thing that’s going to remove Trump is an overwhelming electoral loss. And even that may be disputed (the guys contested an election he won, for god’s sake).

The results in Iowa will do more than pick a first-round winner. When it and 49 others states have run their preliminary 5ks, they will give us a clearer picture of who we are as Americans. Are half of us flat-Earthers? Anti-vaxers? Half of us believe you’re in a cult. The other half think you’re too hard on the Kool-Aid. We’ll see in less than a year.

If we choose it, impeachment starts now. But make no mistake: We will sleep in beds we made.