87 A Day

In the political ads I’ve been seeing of late, “abortion without exception” sounds decisive, powerful, and bold.

But what it really means is this: at least 32,000 pregnancies from rape every year. That’s 87 a day.

Eighty-seven women, many already brutalized, will carry their rapist’s child.

And if that number doesn’t make you sick, consider this: it doesn’t even include incest.

These are the lives we’re willing to sacrifice on the altar of political purity.

We are told this is a fight for “life.” Whose life, exactly?

The raped woman? The assaulted teenager? The child molested by her father?

The words “without exception” slip so easily off the tongue of the self-righteous.

The idea is that morality is clear-cut, that principles are pure.

But this isn’t principle—it’s cruelty masquerading as ethics.

Because the result of these policies is state-enforced pregnancy for rape victims.

Tell me again about the sanctity of life when you force an 11-year-old incest victim to carry to term.

It’s not about protecting life. It’s about control.

It’s about forcing the most vulnerable to pay for the moral posturing of the powerful.

No exceptions. No mercy. No humanity.