Monthly Archives: June 2024

This Is Not A Hoax

Alex Jones is fucked, finally.

For years, this bombastic charlatan has peddled his poisonous conspiracies, thriving on the credulity of his audience and the pain of victims. The man who had the gall to call the massacre of twenty children and six adults at Sandy Hook a “hoax” now finds himself ensnared by the very justice he mocked.

Nearly a year after being ordered to pay $1.5 billion in damages to the grieving families, Jones continued his lavish lifestyle. Housekeepers and boat upkeep took precedence over the shattered lives he left in his wake.

Even amidst his personal bankruptcy, Jones clung to Infowars, desperate to maintain his $1.5 million salary.

But Thursday marked a turning point. Jones, under immense pressure, finally filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, signaling the liquidation of his assets, including his infamous misinformation platform.

This is a momentous victory for the Sandy Hook families, who have endured unimaginable suffering. They demanded the court convert Jones’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy to Chapter 7, recognizing his blatant disregard for justice.

Next week, Jones will face the music in bankruptcy court. He may retreat into his on-air bunker, spewing bile about being victimized, but the truth is evident.

Jones’ cries of persecution are as hollow as his morals. “All we’re trying to do is save America, and they’re fucking us over, over and over again,” he whined on a conservative podcast before admitting, “I want to leave, because it’s going to be over, folks.”

YOUR game is over, Alex. You’re not saving America; you’re finally paying for the devastation you’ve wrought.

And it’s about time.

Night’s Armor

Some days, I wear night’s armor,
and move through streets with purpose,
a sentinel of my design.

Others, I am the chaos grin,
painted across my own,
finding light in disorder
that scatters like shards of glass.

I am shadow, seeking form,
an outline tracing vapor.

In these shifting roles, I find
the spaces between certainty and doubt,
where I lose and find myself,
where I am whole and fragmented,
a hero in shadow, a jest in the light.