Tag Archives: john garamendi

The Dunce Confederacy’s Hoax Addiction

Rep. John Garamendi, (D-Calif.) lost his shit over the Trump administration’s refusal to embrace reality this weekend, and he and his colleagues have got to learn to get theirs together too.

Garamendi took acute umbrage at the latest Trumptardian conspiracy theory, this one posited by Donny Jr. The chip off the old blockhead vented on Fox that Dems hope the coronavirus “comes here and kills millions” and ends his dad’s “streak of winning.”

JG just couldn’t help himself, telling eager cameras the Diaper Don “should not be near me when he says that. There would be a serious altercation. That is just totally outrageous. That is totally outrageous.” He later added: “Don Jr. better not get any place close to me. It would not be a healthy situation.”Image result for Rep. John Garamendi, (D-Calif.)

While it’s hard not to cheer anyone who gives Trump a what for, this is not the path. This is where you need to demonstrate you are the cooler head, the empirical side, the believer in science in the crusade back to facts. Threatening fisticuffs is their way. Not ours.

It’s especially tough now, as this time will be known as the Hoaxian era, where our leaders and half the country believed spies lurked within the Deep State of our own government to spread conspiracy. Where political slackwits challenged scientists over everything from solar eclipses  to evolution. Global warming is a hoax. Russian collusion is a hoax. Coronavirus is apparently a hoax, too.Image result for trump looking at eclipse

Unfortunately, Rep. Garamendi, there’s nothing seismic you can do about our declining collective wisdom. But you can nudge us in the right direction withing something more cutting than a threaten to kick his ass.

The Trumps love Twitter. How about a simple tweet directed Frito Corleone’s way?

@DonaldJTrumpJr, that is completely untrue that we want the coronavirus “come here and kill millions.” One will do.