Monthly Archives: January 2023

The Soul Window

Human eyes are entirely unique; just like fingerprints, no two sets are alike. But some genetic anomalies create especially unlikely “windows” to the world — like gray eyes. Eye experts once believed that human eyes could appear in only three colors: brown, blue, and green, sometimes with hazel or amber added. More recently, the ashy hue that was once lumped into the blue category has been regrouped as its own, albeit rarely seen, color. Brown-eyed folks are in good company, with up to 80% of the global population sporting the shade, while blue eyes are the second most common hue. Traditionally, green was considered the least common eye color, though researchers now say gray is the most rare, with less than 1% of the population seeing through steel-colored eyes. 

Eye color is an inherited trait, meaning it’s likely members of the same family have similar eye colors. However, geneticists now believe determining a child’s eye color isn’t as simple as looking at their parents. That’s because as many as 16 genes work together to impact the final hue. Intriguingly, the eye color we have at birth isn’t necessarily the one we’ll have as adults. Most babies are born with fainter eyes that often look gray, light blue, or light brown until the melanocytes — the protein that creates color — produce enough melanin to color the iris. People with less active melanocytes typically have lighter eyes (like blue or green), while people with more melanin usually end up with brown eyes. In most cases, our final eye color begins to emerge around 3 to 6 months old, though it can continue changing until a baby’s third birthday.

A Name By Any Other Rose

Along with such phrases as “too much of a good thing” and “the clothes make the man,” we can also thank Shakespeare for the name Jessica. The Bard first used it in his play The Merchant of Venice (likely written around 1596), as the name of the moneylender Shylock’s defiant daughter. Some scholars think Shakespeare may have been inspired by the Hebrew name Iskah from the Bible, which was spelled “Jeska” in some English translations of the Old Testament. The name means both “to see” and “to possess foresight.”

Though it took several hundred years, Jessica eventually became an extremely popular first name. It consistently ranked among the 10 most popular baby names for girls born in the U.S. between 1976 and 2000, reached the top spot 1985–1990, and reclaimed it 1993–1995. Its popularity has waned over the last decade, however, and in 2020 it ranked No. 399. If you’re a Jessica fan, fret not: A successful Merchant of Venice adaptation may be all it takes for the name to reclaim its former glory.

Personally, I prefer another name.