The Bust of the Baby Boomer Generation

It was with much fanfare and self back-pattery that the Senate eked out an inflation and climate change bill. To which I say cheers and kudos!

Now go kill yourself.

Not literally, of course. We know the difference between literally and figuratively, unlike, say, an Alex Jones. He may soon learn the cost of truth.

But, in a way, the two are oddly linked: They both illuminate the Baby Boomer Generation, at its most cooperative and unruly.

Read: Baby Boomers haven’t done shit.

You were given the world and went to the moon, torching the Earth on your way up.

It breaks my heart to say that. Some of my favorite people are Boomers — and I don’t mean as defined by Wikipedia’s very questionable timeline; even those born between the mid-50’s and 1964 want out, opting for the term Generation Jones.

Like them, I see Boomers as the inheritors of those who put in the work. That would include work from a decorated, wounded World War II vet uncle Guy, whose first name and glass eye I inherited. What have I done with the privilege of First World residency?

Not much, but seismically more than those slightly older than me. One war lost, another tied, the rest staged as strawman torchery. Corporate Darwinism took over as the apex predator under Boomer supervision, and Rock & Roll died on their watch: Name a rock genre after grunge.

It’s hard to think of what Boomers gave this nation besides the moon shot and some politics worth overturning. Boomers didn’t even usher in the next historically significant age: The Technology Era. That was created by Generations X and Y, fittingly, and Boomers still try to halt the progress of that movement. Note that not one Republican senator voted for climate change legislation.

Time to get off stage and let The Parkland Generation take it from here. You had our say. And that soul? It was purchased in foreclosure when the housing bubble popped — perhaps Boomers’ true enduring legacy.

So, we want to emphasize: We did mean to kill yourself, literally.

But please, do actually fuck off.