Time Has Come Today

GP: Hurricane Dorian Donald Trump map sharpie 190904

Some facts are simply sad. Cancer exists. Dogs die. And stupidity has become a cottage industry.

You don’t need our president’s rejection of science as proof. That’s too nuanced. Instead, just look at the administration’s latest effort to cash in on Hurricane Dorian, a disaster that has killed more than three dozen people, left 70,000 Bahama residents homeless and continues to send Americans scurrying to attics to stay above storm surges that have left homes up to 13 feet underwater.A flooded shop is seen next to Rodanthe Sound as Hurricane Dorian hits Cape Hatteras in North Carolina on September 6, 2019. - The final death toll from Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas could be "staggering," a government minister has said as the storm lashed North Carolina in the US Friday with torrential rain and fierce wind.

The government response? This weekend, the Trump Make America Great Again Committee began selling sets of five “Official Donald Trump Fine Point Markers” for $15. You remember the marker: It’s the one President Pederast used to include Alabama in Dorian’s path.

“Buy the official Trump marker, which is different than every other marker on the market, because this one has the special ability to drive CNN and the rest of the fake news crazy!” Trump campaign manager Brad Pascale tweeted on Friday morning along with the hashtag #KeepMarkersGreat.

Pascale included a link to the product on the Trump campaign website. The page states it is a set of five “Official Donald Trump Fine Point Markers” for $15, with Trump’s signature printed in gold on the outside of the permanent ink fine-tip marker. The markers are “non-toxic” and “Proudly Made in the USA,” according to the website. “Set the record straight!” the product description states. “Get your set of Official Donald Trump fine point markers today!”

Unless that sale includes the right to sharpie a wang on Trump’s sleeping face, I’ll pass. In the meantime, some less depressing factslaps:

  • The Museum of Bread Culture in Ulm, Germany, has a collection of over 18,000 objects, none of which is bread. Image result for bread
  • Half of your brain stands guard when you are sleeping in a new place for the first time.Image result for Half of your brain stands guard when you are sleeping in a new place for the first time.
  • Cologne was originally produced as protection against the plague. It was widely believed that bad-smelling air spread the disease.Image result for Cologne was originally produced as protection against the plague. It was widely believed that bad-smelling air spread the disease.
  • In Northern Ireland, women earn 3.4% more than men on average.Image result for In Northern Ireland, women earn 3.4% more than men on average.
  • The people of the U.S.are collectively overweight by a total of about 4 billion pounds.Image result for The people of the U.S.are collectively overweight by a total of about 4 billion pounds.
  • There are 16 countries in Africa with higher vaccination rates than the U.S.Image result for There are 16 countries in Africa with higher vaccination rates than the U.S.
  • The Incas’ measurement of time was based on how long it took to boil a potato.Image result for The Incas' measurement of time was based on how long it took to boil a potato.

  • In French, Hungarian, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Latvian, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin and Tagalog, the words for ‘time’ and ‘weather’ are the same. Image result for time and weather
