Is It Too Late for a Midterm Candidate?


The problem with a 24-hour news cycle is that no minute matters. Unless you look.

And this interview is worth a minute. Maybe two. Because it’s around 1:50 into the video that she drops a matter-of-fact bombshell. Nothing CNN could have anticipated, or they would have paraded her identity politics front and center.

And from there on, she schools us all. Her account of the accused bomber is as even-handed as Ken Burns. Her grasp of differences — and how to manage them — should be required viewing for anyone in public service. Perhaps anyone in public.

Here’s to Debra Gureghian, and an official endorsement for her election to any office, in any state, for any party.

And now for other higher truths, Factslaps:

  • Pope Francis, Nelson Mandela and Henry Kissinger are honorary members of the Harlem Globetrotters. Image result for pope francis harlem globetrotters
  • We use the word “Cancer” as a medical diagnosis because Hippocrates thought the tumors looked like crabs.
  • Pole dancing started in 1135 AD and was mostly done by men. Image result for ancient greek men dancing
  • North Korea accidentally hit one of its own cities during a failed missile test in 2017.
  • At 93 years old, George H. W. Bush became the longest living President in U.S. history.Image result for h.w. bush
  • A man once tattooed “Netflix” on his body and after tweeting a picture to the company he received a free year of service.Image result for netflix tattoo
  • Women have larger pupils than men.Image result for female pupils eye