Monthly Archives: September 2018

Just Think It

Nike released its controversial ad featuring Colin Kaepernick as its spokesman today, despite his insistence on exercising his First Amendment rights.

Forget who is in it. Forget what it’s selling. Simply hear the message.

The folks at Nike, in a rare Economic Darwinian showdown with Trump and conservatives, have made a startling call: to risk offending customers. High-paying customers.

But there’s something shrewdly calculated in the strategy: The shoe giant has decided that a young, largely African-American consumer base will offset the loss of Trumpanzees, who consider as treasonous bastards whoever kneels for the National Anthem (a melodically awful tune by almost every aural measure, by the way. Why not America the Beautiful?).

And there’s no reason to think Nike is off the mark. Trump has the memory of a mayfly. And check viral videos of the hayseeds burning shoes. Those aren’t inexpensive, secular books you swiped from the public library, chumps. They’re overpriced shoes — that you already overpaid for. The guy below actually brags he set fire to $1,000 worth of footwear. Hey dumb ass: I’ve got used sweat socks you can have for $50 apiece, or two for $120.

And don’t forget what Game of Thrones keeps bugling: Winter is coming. You can only walk barefoot so long.




T’was the Witch of November Come Stealing



Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court seems as certain as a Trump misspelling. Beneath a hurricane of political fuckery, he has sailed a relatively gentle wave to the highest court.

With a simple straight partisan vote, the Court will veer hard right. And when Ruth Bader Ginsberg kicks the bucket (she must be part granny cyborg), the Gang of Nine will completely lack a port bow. Image result for rbg working out

That’s terrible news for Roe v. Wade, whose tombstone is already being etched. Gay marriage must feel the ground tremble. And forget getting the Conservative Christian Citizenry (the KKK for the new millennium)  to bake cakes for people they don’t like.

But the CCC should be careful with its wish list.

In the 1930s, a conservative Supreme Court knocked down many of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal programs aimed at hoisting the country out of the Depression. Statutes letting industries and unions set wages and prices, raising farm income and regulating the coal industry were declared unconstitutional, as was a New York minimum wage law. Image result for fdr's new deal

That helped fuel a 1936 FDR landslide that also gave Democrats 76 Senate and 334 House seats, Election Day majorities neither party has ever matched. The triumph paved the way for congressional control that Democrats didn’t relinquish until after World War II.

The same risks threaten liberal courts. Liberal decisions of the 1960s helped power Richard Nixon’s law-and-order rise to the White House in 1968. Rulings buttressing criminals’ rights, like the Miranda vs. Arizona decision requiring authorities to inform arrested people of their rights, provided potent ammunition for Nixon at a time of racial unrest and growing crime rates. Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” remains a firmament of GOP strategy. Image result for nixon racist

The 1973 Roe v. Wade case legalizing abortion has been backed by strong majorities of Americans but spurred the rise of the anti-abortion movement and helped galvanize political involvement by Christian conservatives. Both remain vital factors in American politics and a driving force for the GOP.

The disconnect between the court’s ideological leanings and voters’ preferences is a simple matter of timing. Unlike social tastes, Supreme Court nominees last a lifetime. And courts are slower than Hollywood at taking public cues.

So a nod to GOP strong arming. It’s made quite a splash.

But history moves in tides, not waves. Be careful what you ask for.

The Fake Fake News

One of an occasional series of odd stories that actually have AP sourcing (sorry Breitbart):

Smallest North Dakota city to double in population _ to 4

Sprinting naked man leads LA police on lengthy pursuit

Thief in Mexico tries to steal hearse, with body inside Image result for stolen hearse

Wisconsin pilot flees officers, later crashes into cornfield

Left behind: Thieves raid Virginia store of right foot shoes

Oregon officer rescues baby deer stuck in fence 

Rare translucent lobster caught off Maine coast, thrown back Image result for translucent lobster

Classmates can’t find time capsule buried 30 years ago