Monthly Archives: August 2018

Gray Hawk Down


“You’re anthropomorphisizng.”

How many times have we leveled that claim, either as accusation or admission? Of assigning human qualities to inhuman things: the dog that knows what you’re thinking; cats that speak to you; that hamster that must have a cocaine problem. Image result for funny hamster

Perhaps we can’t help it. Perhaps we shouldn’t.

The other morning, I was in the spa, trying to awaken. Suddenly, I felt a bird graze the back of my head as it flew through one window of the jacuzzi and out the other as it rested in the backyard.

I was stunned. The only living creatures to enter the spa are me, bugs and, once, a tiny frog taking a steam sauna on the side of the tub.

But never a bird. Finches love my house: They once built a nest on the back awning, and are constantly on the roof and back wall, scouting for bugs. The huge crows that live in the tree next door are predators to be sure, but they pay the finches no mind.Image result for finches

Now one was frozen still in the back yard.

I turned around to see the window through which it flew. What I saw startled me: a gray hawk, big as a hen, staring me straight in the eyes less than three feet away. I’ve read that birds are the closest modern-day ancestor to dinosaurs, which always threw me for a loop.

Until I saw that hawk. Suddenly, I felt like I was staring at a velociraptor. Image result for velociraptorI wanted to pick up my iPad and snap a photo. But I was nervous that the bird (uncertain of my size because I was up to my neck in water) would take it as a sign of aggression and peck my eyes out.

I froze like a finch.

Finally, the hawk took flight, landed on the back wall, and resumed the hunt.

The finch tried to become airborne, only to find the hawk swooping down to attempt another attack. The flinch descended again, took cover under my patio. The hawk, meanwhile, stood over him on the tin patio roof.  Now the finch was fucked.

So I decided to anthropomorphize.

When it comes to animals — any animals — we believe in pacifism at the Fortress of Scottitude. I’ll escort spiders outside. Wasps too. Bugs consider Rubio Avenue a sanctuary city. And unlike our president, I consider visitors guests, not intruders. I can proudly say I never separated a mother bird from her chick to send a message.

Also unlike our president,  we don’t tolerate predators of visitors. I stood in the tub, naked as a finch, and fetched one of the dozen tennis balls stacked in the spa for  Esme. I took aim, and chucked the ball at the bird. It clattered along the roof, sending the hawk squawking away. About a minute later, the finch took flight. I know I broke Nature’s first law of life — death — but fuck that. My kingdom, my rules.

As if on cue, Esme fetched the ball and brought it back. And I realized: Why do we have such disdain for anthropomorphism? If anything, shouldn’t we be assigning more human qualities to those we consider inhuman? From finches and bugs to Democrats and Republicans? Maybe assuming that creature has human sensibilities isn’t such a bad thing.

I know one finch that would agree.





When the Moon Hits Your Eye


What a golden-egged goose Donald Trump has been to late night. In many ways, he is King Midas, imploring Dionysus for the golden touch, only to learn to be careful what you ask for.

And he has asked for a lot — to the delight of the comically-inclined left. A magic wall. Witch-hunt recognition. Media that fawns upon the mighty.

And last month,  Space Force. Trump has been so excited in the sloganeering potential that he seems to get plumper and oranger each time he whips his base into rally froths, like a Jamba Juice on crack. Forget a purpose, let alone a reasoning or development plan; it’s chant-friendly. “Space Force!” is easy to remember and isn’t trademark-infringing (not to mention the fewer letters for your hats, on sale today!).

Comedians had their expected field day with the idea. And who could blame them? Trump’s tweets alone have turned a literal profit for comics: Comedy Central has the 15th most popular book on Amazon with its The Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library hardbound collection of Trump’s furious, grammar-challenged missives.Space Force is just as tantalizing. As a viral video points out, Trump speaks of a sixth branch of the military like he’s auditioning for Shatner Shakespeare in the park.

It’s a silly idea, yes. It will surely feature all the efficiency of Trump healthcare and all the malice of Trump tax cuts. Is it a stretch to picture him wanting to turn the moon into an investment venture?

Regardless, we should enact Space Force before he gets distracted by something else shiny.

The reason? Any state-mandated scientific research should be welcomed by the left as a rarity on the level of a gay Supreme Court nominee.

Don’t believe it? Look no further than Mike Pence, who has become the ironic poster boy for Space Force. Regardless of your politics, this is indisputable: The second most-powerful man in the free world does not believe in evolution, nor that the Earth is a day older than the Bible deigns. You could nearly see the discomfort in his face as he played dutiful wingman and praised Space Force, a higher power that wasn’t evangelicalism. 

Pence has good reason to be concerned. Science, like life and spam, finds a way. If the GOP opens the Pandora’s Box of scientific research, it will find itself facing some seriously conflicted questions.

The administration has shown its hostility toward science and education in its treatment of global warming, the gutting of the EPA and the paltry funding of groups from NASA to the Center for Disease Control. And now Trump is offering to marry military spending with science research?

The left should recognize the errant gift its been dealt. It’s one thing to wage war over a book. It’s another to get into space with it. Even at its bureaucratic worst, a cosmology-based government branch would pose something truly terrifying to the right: empirical science. What Republican wants to be the politician who officially tells Christian conservatives that the Earth is billions of years old, not thousands?

All aboard the U.S.S. Midas!