Tag Archives: mom
It’s Spelled D-I-P-S-H-I-T
Last year, the HB became the first news outlet in the country to employ an LTP, a Limited Twitter Policy, which mandates that coverage of the social media tool be limited to actual news. The respite from Trump’s verbal vomit has been a joy I’d suggest every media outlet try.
But we’re taking a respite from the respite today, because Twitter actually was the story.
You see, a day after Wednesday’s Democratic primary debate, Trump sausage-pecked a tweet criticizing a Washington Post reporter for a typo in one of her tweets following the feisty debate.
Trump ― who has misspelled both his and his own wife’s names on the social media platform ― poked fun today at The Post’s conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin for mistakenly writing “Bloombefg” in a tweet about 2020 presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg.
Here’s what Donnie Dimwit posted:
Such pot- and kettle-calling was all the motivation I needed to do a modicum of reporting. So I looked up some of the times the leader of the free world put his stable genius (he knows the best words, I hear) on display.
Caveat: This is by no means a complete list. And I didn’t attempt to divine any sense from Donnie’s CapiTalizati0n weirdness. The only thing we could do with his illiterate ramblings was try to alphabetize them. (That means to rank words by their first letters, Mr. President).
Here are some of his most memorable word turds:
- The Boarder (as in a boarder wall)
- Hamberder
- Highjacked
- Honered
- Marine Core
- Seperation
- Smocking gun
- Special Council
- Teresa May
- Waite
- Wire tapp
- Wonerful
And who could forget his lovely wife, Melanie?
Back when my mother was in grade school in North Carolina, she was ousted from a school spelling bee on the word “misspell.” She used one “s.”
Too bad Donnie wasn’t your school principal, Mom. You were homecoming queen; he probably would have changed the school’s official spelling of the word just to impress you.
We now return to our regularly-scheduled LTP programming. Thank you.

Assassin Training
(Photo by Caroline)
Editor’s note: This is a Nerf-style dart gun.
Editor’s sidenote: Why aren’t cars made of Nerf?