I’ve yet to hear a cohesive, contemporary justification for the Electoral College. Defenders simply can’t get beyond this bottom-line reality: It creates a popularity contest in which the most popular doesn’t win. That’s like a dog show crowning a gerbil.
So it’s gotta go.
However, that doesn’t mean karma doesn’t occasionally bring a measure of equilibrium to the universe, and we would be wise to occasionally acknowledge that (what are the 24/7s going to do when they don’t have Trump to frighten viewers?). And karma fittingly bit Donald Trump in the ass when he discovered this week that the Electoral College is fucked up.
Consider: Joe Biden beat Trump by a hair’s breadth in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, among many other states. In some cases, by fractions of percentage points.
But look at the Electoral College tally: 308 to 232. Were it not for the all-or-nothing rules of the college, that margin would have been narrowed significantly.
In truth, at least 46% of the nation believes he should be president again. Do proponents of the electoral system still feel they were adequately represented? Because they got shellacked November 5, electorally-speaking.
Remember, George W. had to win only Florida in the college to secure the disputed election in 2000. Trump, though, would have had to win challenges in a half-dozen states. Imagine if the election hinged on just one state again.

So consider it the Electoral College’s consolation prize for progressives, and Irony’s sweet revenge for those accepting gift horses.
But make no mistake: We studied hard and eked out a passing grade from a capricious, illogical professor. It’s time to drop this class.