Sperm whales sleep vertically in pods, a behavior first documented in 2008 and captured in high-quality photographs in 2017. They take huge breaths and enter deep sleep for short periods, typically around 10 to 15 minutes, but they can sleep for longer — up to two hours at a time — when undisturbed. Unlike some other cetaceans, sperm whales may shut down both hemispheres of their brains simultaneously, making them less responsive to external stimuli during sleep. Thus the pod for protection.
Scaffolding Hollow wood hums in bones, a dresser full of empty hands. The window does not blink, held open by lines that forget the weight of glass. Somewhere, a door curls into itself, a birdcage with no latch, a television swallowing its own static. Memory stacks itself like bricks, but the mortar is breath, is the slow hush of paper-thin walls. Lie down. The mattress knows your name, or something close to it. Even if city doesnot.
Photographer Hannie Heere was photographing barn owls when she captured an unusual shot of a baby barn owl running across grass. Barn owlets start flapping their wings at seven weeks, making short flights around the nest at eight weeks.