That dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago is pretty common knowledge. Not as well known, but just as fascinating, is the fact that Earth was on the other side of the galaxy when most of them were alive. It takes the sun (and thus the rest of the solar system) around 250 million years to orbit the center of the Milky Way. The first dinosaurs appeared at the dawn of the Triassic Period around 250 million years ago, and for most of their very long reign — namely the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods — our humble planet was in a completely different neighborhood of the galaxy. That means, of course, that the stars the dinosaurs saw in the sky would have looked different from the view we have today.
Though not new information, this knowledge made something of a splash a few years ago when NASA astronomer Dr. Jessie Christiansen created an animation showing which part of the Milky Way our prehistoric predecessors resided in. Perhaps the most intriguing part of the video is its ending, which asks what our planet might be like the next time we complete a trip through the Milky Way. Fortunately, our solar system stays far, far away from the inhospitable galactic center(and its supermassive black hole) as it moves through space. If it didn’t, there’d be no life on Earth whatsoever — human, dinosaur, or otherwise.
It is often said that faith is a necessary component of the human condition, a crutch upon which we lean in times of uncertainty and despair. But I contend that there is a faith far greater than the ephemeral and often contradictory dogmas that populate the world’s religions—a faith that is not only rational but verifiable. This faith is found in the realms of science and mathematics.
Unlike the parochial and divisive doctrines that demand blind allegiance, science and mathematics offer a universal language, one that transcends culture, ethnicity, and creed. They are the great equalizers, providing a framework through which we can understand the cosmos and our place within it. They are not based on the shifting sands of myth and superstition but on the bedrock of empirical evidence and logical deduction.
Consider the elegance of a mathematical proof or the predictive power of a scientific theory. These are not mere conjectures or the fanciful imaginings of the human mind; they are the distilled essence of centuries of human inquiry and observation. They are the culmination of countless hours of rigorous experimentation and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. In science and mathematics, we find a faith that is earned through toil and scrutiny, not one that is inherited or imposed.
Moreover, this faith is self-correcting. Unlike religious dogmas that resist change and cling to outdated notions, science and mathematics are inherently progressive. They embrace new evidence and are willing to revise their conclusions in light of new data. This is not a weakness but a strength, a testament to their commitment to truth over tradition.
In the natural world, we see the manifestation of this faith in the laws that govern the universe. From the intricate dance of subatomic particles to the majestic expansion of galaxies, the principles of science and mathematics are the threads that weave the tapestry of our reality. They reveal a cosmos that is not chaotic or capricious but ordered and comprehensible.
Yet, this faith does not demand uncritical acceptance. It encourages skepticism and rewards curiosity. It invites us to question, to probe, to seek out the unknown. It is a faith that empowers rather than enslaves, that illuminates rather than obscures.
In embracing science and mathematics, we do not abandon the search for meaning or the quest for transcendence. On the contrary, we elevate it. We find a deeper, more profound sense of wonder in the intricate patterns and profound mysteries of the universe. We glimpse the infinite within the finite, the eternal within the ephemeral.
So let us cast aside the shackles of dogma and superstition and embrace the one true faith that offers not only answers, but the tools to seek them. Let us find solace not in the unchanging edicts of ancient texts but in the dynamic, ever-evolving pursuit of knowledge. For in science and mathematics, we find a faith worthy of our devotion, one that enriches our understanding and ennobles our spirit.
You’d think that the accessibility of acetaminophen (Tylenol) as an over-the-counter painkiller would indicate a full understanding of its medicinal properties, but Big Pharma is still trying to figure this one out. Certainly scientists know the dangers of excessive doses, but exactly how the medication works to ease pain is still a mystery. It was once thought that acetaminophen functioned in the same manner as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin and ibuprofen, which block the formation of pain-producing compounds in the central nervous system. However, further testing indicated that this enzyme suppression only happens under certain chemical conditions in the body. Other researchers have examined the effects of acetaminophen on neurotransmission in the spinal cord, but a definitive mechanism remains elusive.
2. Why Cats Purr
This one’s easy – cats purr because they’re happy you’re petting them, right? Except they also purr when they’re hungry, nervous, or in pain, so there are more complex matters to consider. One theory put forth by bioacoustician Elizabeth von Muggenthaler suggests that purring functions as an “internal healing mechanism,” as its low-frequency vibrations correspond to those used to treat fractures, edema, and other wounds. Additionally, since humans generally respond favorably to these soothing sounds, it’s possible that purring has evolved, in part, as a way for domesticated kitties to interact with their owners. And researchers at least believe they now know how purring happens – a “neural oscillator” in the cat brain is thought to trigger the constriction and relaxing of muscles around the larynx – so it may not be long before they home in on more precise reasons for this common, but still mysterious, form of feline communication.
3. How Bicycles Remain Upright
It’s one of the great ironies of life that we supposedly never forget how to ride a bicycle yet lack a firm understanding of the mechanics that enable us to pull it off in the first place. Early attempts at rooting out answers gave rise to the “gyroscopic theory,” which credits the force created by spinning wheels with keeping bikes upright. This theory, however, was disproven in 1970 by chemist David Jones, who created a functional bike with a counter-rotating front wheel. Jones then floated his “caster theory,” which suggests that a bike’s steering axis, pointing ahead of where the front wheel meets the ground, produces a stabilizing “trail” similar to a shopping cart caster. However, this theory also has holes, as researchersdemonstrated in a 2011 Science article showing that a bike with a negative trail – a steering axis pointing behind the wheel – could maintain balance with proper weight distribution. All of which goes to show that while biking is largely a safe activity, there remains a glaring question mark at the heart of a $54 billion global industry.
4. How Animals Migrate
Maybe you’ve seen flocks of birds flying overhead to mark the changing of seasons or read about salmon fighting upstream to return to their birthplaces, but exactly how do these animals navigate in the midst of long distances and shifting geological conditions? In some cases, there are strong olfactory senses in play; a salmon can detect a drop of water from its natal source in 250 gallons of seawater, helping to guide the way “home.” But the possibilities get even stranger, as scientists are exploring the concept that light-sensitive proteins in the retinas of birds and other animals create chemical reactions that allow them to “read” the Earth’s magnetic field. It may seem far-fetched to think that birds rely on principles of quantum mechanics, but there may be no better explanation for how, say, the Arctic Tern stays on target while annually migrating more than 40,000 miles from pole to pole.
5. Why We Sleep
Given that we can pinpoint the health benefits and problems associated with proper and insufficient amounts of sleep, it’s baffling that we still don’t fully understand what this all-important restorative state does for the body. Older theories followed the notion that sleep helps people conserve energy while keeping them away from the dangers of the night, while more recent research explores how sleep contributes to the elimination of toxic neural buildups andpromotes plasticity, the brain’s ability to adjust and reorganize from its experiences. Other experts hope to come across answers by studying glia cells, which are abundant in the central nervous system and possibly involved with regulating when we nod off and awaken. And if these diligent researchers ever do crack the code of what sleep does for us, maybe it will shed light on related nighttime mysteries — like why we dream.