As the Republican National Convention cheers the end of democracy and it’s apparent deformed ascendancy into a Confederacy of Feudal Dunces, a cry in the dark for liberalism, which will ultimately prevail.
Because we are all star stuff, born from the hearts of ancient suns. And in that cosmic heritage, we find a profound truth: the universe itself resonates with liberal ideals.
Consider the vastness of space and time. In its 13.8 billion year journey, our cosmos has never ceased to change, to grow, to become more complex.
From hydrogen atoms to rocky worlds, from simple cells to conscious beings – the arrow of cosmic evolution points towards progress. It is a story of constant transformation.
The quantum world shimmers with possibility. At the smallest scales, nature embraces uncertainty, creating a tapestry of diversity that extends to the largest structures in the universe.
Galaxies dance in gravitational embrace. Stars forge elements in their cores, then seed space with the building blocks of life. The universe thrives on interconnection.
Life on our pale blue dot tells a similar tale. DNA, that ancient molecule, experiments endlessly. Natural selection favors adaptability, not rigidity.
In the drama of evolution, cooperation often trumps competition. From the mitochondria in our cells to the intricate ecology of a coral reef, life finds strength in symbiosis.
We are a way for the cosmos to know itself. And as we gaze out at the stars, we recognize a reflection of our highest ideals – progress, diversity, interconnectedness.
To be liberal, then, is to be in harmony with the fundamental nature of reality. It is to recognize our place in the grand cosmic story.
So take heart in the madness of now. We are all connected; to each other, biologically. To the Earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe, atomically.
This is not philosophy. It is physics.