Outside, It’s America

Kamala Harris mopped the floor with Donald Trump.

From the instant she strode to his podium for that unexpected handshake, Harris commanded the stage. That audacious move wasn’t mere theatrics—it was a power play that left Trump visibly shaken.

Trump, caught flat-footed, never regained his balance. It was a masterful opening salvo in what became a relentless 90-minute assault.

On abortion rights, Harris was ruthless. She attacked Trump’s support for Florida’s extreme six-week ban, exposing how dangerously out of touch he is with the American mainstream.

She branded him the architect of an all-out war on women’s autonomy, tying his Supreme Court picks directly to Roe’s demise.

Trump’s fumbling defense only cemented the image of a man hopelessly behind the times, flailing against the tide of public opinion.

When it came to defending democracy, Harris was equally harsh. Trump’s attempts to downplay January 6th as an overzealous protest sparked by Nancy Pelosi (?) were as unhinged as the man.

Harris painted a searing picture of Trump as nothing short of an existential threat to American democracy, while positioning herself as its last line of defense.

Harris wasn’t perfect. On the economy, she stumbled. Inflation is still a key issue, and her answers lacked the personal connection many voters crave. She spoke in policy terms instead of directly addressing the financial struggles Americans are facing.

Trump, ever the populist, took advantage of this weakness to push his narrative. Harris will need to tighten up her message on the economy moving forward

But on the issues that mattered most—equal rights, body autonomy, respecting the democratic process—Harris crushed him. She framed herself as the protector of rights and the Constitution, while Trump struggled with claims he tried — and tries still — to bring them down.

And, finally, Americans got to see a face other than that of a doddering white man on a presidential debate stage.

What a difference a month makes.