Hey Joe

Joe Biden’s decision to exit the presidential race is nothing short of profound, the rare relinquishment of American power that not only kept the implied promise he made four years ago, but offers a true alternative to the GOP’s loathsome sausage party.

The decision stunned because it was selfless, a trademark of a president who spent his life in public service.

Though he never publicly declared it, Biden’s role as a transitional president was evident, and stepping aside now reaffirms his dedication to that mission.

Whaddya, know, a president who was true to the pledge.

Biden’s term has been marked by achievement: The unemployment rate has fallen to 3.6%, a robust recovery from the pandemic-induced economic crisis. His administration saw over 200 million Americans fully vaccinated against Covid.

On the legislative front, Biden oversaw a Recession recovery that led all developed nations, as well as a bipartisan $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. Plus, he kicked Trump’s fat ass in 2020, a highlight for any human being.

Most important, Biden was a president we need not be embarrassed by.

That probably won’t be the case in November, as Trump and his slackwits try to celebrate his ear piercing to high office. And America has shown, again and again, how far it will go to NOT elect a woman as president.

But, finally, high ground has become visible.

By choosing to step down, Biden diffuses some of the bile that has become American politics.

And we could all use some diffusion.

Biden has honored his implicit promise to be a bridge to the future. We stand on that bridge now, and his decision to step down now is a final act of service to the nation he loves.

Thank you for your service, Mr. President.