Once You’ve Been

“they say that hell is crowded, yet, when you’re in hell,

you always seem to be alone.

and you can’t tell anyone when you’re in hell or they’ll think you’re crazy and being crazy is being in hell and being sane is hellish too. those who escape hell, however,

never talk about

and nothing much bothers them after that.

I mean, things like missing a meal, going to jai, were oing thursar.

when you ask them,

‘how are things?’

they’ll always answer, ‘fine, just fine…’ once you’ve been to hell and back, that’s enough

it’s the greatest satisfaction known to man. once you’ve been to hell and back,

you don’t look behind you when the floor creaks and the sun is always up at midnight and things like the eyes of mice or an abandoned tire in a vacant lot can make you smile

once you’ve been to hell and back.”

-Charles Bukowski, “Lost” from Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame (1974)