Monthly Archives: September 2024

Doers Versus Bitchers

In the post-debate mayhem, one thing became crystal: The GOP’s gone from the party of Lincoln to the party of “nope.”

Science? Fake news. Fair elections? Only when they win. Their platform? Bitching about everything while offering zip.

Somehow, this toddler tantrum masquerading as politics has hooked half the country. I was stunned to hear some at the dogpark thought the debate tapped into Harris’ dishonesty and the nation’s pitiful state. They’ve struck a goldmine of grievance, buying the GOP’s brand built on the arson of American institutions.

Climate change? Liberal hoax. COVID? Overblown conspiracy. 2020 election? Stolen, obviously. It’s denial all the way down.

Their vision for America? A nostalgia trip fueled by fear and sprinkled with culture war nonsense. Ask them for solutions and watch them blue-screen faster than Windows 95.

This election isn’t left vs. right. It’s adults vs. ankle-biters. One side’s trying to steer the ship, the other’s drilling holes and calling it freedom.

The real kicker? This act’s playing to packed houses across America. What’s that say about us?

2024’s the showdown: Doers vs. Whiners. Time to decide: build something or burn it all down?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

I Believe In Live And Let Live

Some factslaps about Mercury:

  1. Smallest Planet: Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system, even smaller than some moons, like Ganymede and Titan.
  2. Closest to the Sun: Mercury orbits closest to the Sun, at an average distance of 36 million miles, but it’s not the hottest planet—that title goes to Venus.
  3. Extreme Temperatures: The temperature on Mercury swings dramatically, ranging from 800°F (427°C) during the day to -330°F (-201°C) at night.
  4. Long Days, Short Years: A single day (sunrise to sunrise) on Mercury takes 176 Earth days, while a year lasts just 88 Earth days.
  5. No Atmosphere: Mercury has almost no atmosphere to trap heat or protect it from meteoroid impacts, which is why its surface is heavily cratered.
  6. Large Iron Core: Mercury’s core makes up about 85% of its radius, the largest proportion of any planet in the solar system, contributing to its high density.
  7. No Moons or Rings: Unlike most planets in the solar system, Mercury has no moons or rings orbiting around it.