Monthly Archives: September 2024

Dusting Off

Fell again,
a familiar ache in these bones,
the ground, cold and rough,
whispers of loss in the dust.

But I remember,
the taste of earth isn’t new,
nor the sting of failure,
it’s just another language
the world speaks.

So I rise,
brush off the weight of it all,
grit clings skin like old regrets,
but it falls away,
one grain at a time.

I stand,
not taller,
not stronger,
but here,
ready to walk,
to stumble,
to rise once more.

Each fall,
a step forward,
each scar,
a map of where I’ve been,
a reminder that I am still moving,
still here.

And the dust,
it always settles,
but I do not.

That Thunder Down Under? Lazy Marketing

So here we are with “NCIS: Sydney,” because apparently, the franchise needed a new location to beat to death.

But let’s be honest—it’s not about the crime-solving, it’s about how much they can cram into each episode to remind you, “Hey, mate, you’re in Australia now!”

And nothing says authentic Aussie experience like every damn character speaking with an accent so thick, you’d think they were auditioning for the Outback Steakhouse commercials.

But it’s not just the accents—let’s talk about the locations and foods. Every shot has to be either the Sydney Opera House, a kangaroo hopping by, or some outback bar where they’re eating Vegemite on toast like it’s a national duty.

Because if you don’t remind the audience every five minutes that this is Australia, they might just forget and start paying attention to the plot. And no one wants that.

Plus, the food! My God, the food! Every character has to be munching on something quintessentially ‘Aussie.’ Crocodile steaks? Check. Meat pies? Of course.

And don’t forget the beer! Because Australians can’t go a scene without chugging a frosty one, right? That’s just science.

And we get it—Sydney has an Opera House and a bridge. Did you know it also has other places where people live and work? Nah, of course you didn’t, because if you watch “NCIS: Sydney,” you’d think the entire city revolves around these two landmarks. It’s like saying all of New York is just the Statue of Liberty and Times Square.

I do have to admit: An Australian accents beat a New York’s to hell. But there’s only so many times you can say “beah” for “beer” before it gets irksome.
