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Some factslaps about Mercury:

  1. Smallest Planet: Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system, even smaller than some moons, like Ganymede and Titan.
  2. Closest to the Sun: Mercury orbits closest to the Sun, at an average distance of 36 million miles, but it’s not the hottest planet—that title goes to Venus.
  3. Extreme Temperatures: The temperature on Mercury swings dramatically, ranging from 800°F (427°C) during the day to -330°F (-201°C) at night.
  4. Long Days, Short Years: A single day (sunrise to sunrise) on Mercury takes 176 Earth days, while a year lasts just 88 Earth days.
  5. No Atmosphere: Mercury has almost no atmosphere to trap heat or protect it from meteoroid impacts, which is why its surface is heavily cratered.
  6. Large Iron Core: Mercury’s core makes up about 85% of its radius, the largest proportion of any planet in the solar system, contributing to its high density.
  7. No Moons or Rings: Unlike most planets in the solar system, Mercury has no moons or rings orbiting around it.