Monthly Archives: August 2024

Now Comes The Work

(Photo by Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

The Democrats have wrapped up their convention, and the ticket is set. Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz have their work cut out for them. They’re facing a divided nation, and the path ahead is rough. There’s no room for wasted breath or wasted time.

Here are five things they must do now:

1. Speak Plainly and Truthfully
People are tired of polished speeches. They want the truth, even when it hurts. Harris and Walz need to talk straight about the state of the country.

Don’t sugarcoat it. America’s in a mess, and everyone knows it. Acknowledge it, and then lay out a clear plan to fix it.

They need specifics: raise the minimum wage, support unions, and implement a fair tax code. Expand the Affordable Care Act with a public option. Cap prescription drug prices. People need concrete solutions.

2. Show Up in the Places That Hurt
It’s easy to visit the cities where the votes are guaranteed. But Harris and Walz need to go where the pain is real. They need to stand in the rusted-out towns, the farms that have seen better days, the places that have been forgotten.

When they’re there, they need to offer solutions: invest in infrastructure, support broadband expansion, and provide grants to small businesses. They need to deliver real improvements. These communities have felt left behind for too long.

3. Focus on the Future, Not Just Trump
Everyone knows the mess Donald Trump made. Harris and Walz don’t need to keep telling us. What we need to hear is what they’re going to do next.

Focus on climate change with a Green New Deal. Create millions of jobs in clean energy. Push for universal pre-K, free community college, and student loan forgiveness. On immigration, outline a path to citizenship. Secure the border humanely. The future is about building, not just undoing the past.

4. Embrace the Working Class
The Democratic Party has lost touch with the working man and woman. Harris and Walz need to change that. Talk about jobs, wages, and dignity.

Show they understand the struggles of working hard and still barely getting by. Policies like job retraining, apprenticeships, and strengthening Social Security will resonate. Protect Medicare and pensions. The working class needs to feel like the Democrats are in their corner again.

5. Lead with Decency and Strength
The country needs leaders who can be strong without being cruel. Harris and Walz need to show they are those leaders.

Be tough when it matters, but never lose sight of humanity. Push for criminal justice reform. End mass incarceration. Hire minority cops. Mandate body cams nationwide. Rebuild alliances through diplomacy. Keep a strong military as a deterrent. Decency and strength must go hand in hand if they want to earn trust.

These things aren’t a guarantee of victory. Nothing is in politics. But if Kamala Harris and Tim Walz can do them, they’ll have done what’s necessary.

And in times like these, necessary is all anyone can ask for.

’Air McNair’ Doesn’t Fumble Heart

Steve McNair’s meteoric rise and tragic fall take center stage in Untold: The Murder of Air McNair, a gripping documentary that tackles the NFL star’s complex legacy both on and off the field.

McNair, a quarterback, was killed on July 4, 2009. He was shot multiple times by Sahel Kazemi, a 20-year-old woman with whom he was having an extramarital affair. After shooting McNair, Kazemi turned the gun on herself in an apparent murder-suicide.

The film meticulously traces McNair’s journey from humble beginnings at Alcorn State to NFL stardom. It highlights his exceptional resilience and skill as quarterback for the Houston Oilers, who later became the Tennessee Titans.

McNair’s career reached its zenith with a nail-biting performance in Super Bowl XXXIV, where he led the Titans to within yards of victory. This moment, though ending in defeat, cemented his place in football history.

But Untold doesn’t just focus on McNair’s athletic prowess. Through intimate interviews with teammates, friends, and family, the documentary peels back the layers of a man whose outward success masked inner turmoil.

The stark contrast between McNair’s public persona and private challenges becomes increasingly apparent as the narrative unfolds. The film doesn’t shy away from exploring the pressures of fame and the strain it put on his personal relationships.

The film delves into McNair’s ongoing battles with injuries during this period, offering insight into the physical toll of his mad-bull playing style. These health struggles added another layer of complexity to an already complicated life.

Untold also explores the web of personal relationships that surrounded McNair in his final years. While it treads carefully, the documentary provides context for the circumstances that would ultimately lead to his shocking murder in 2009.

Perhaps the film’s only shortcoming is its occasional reluctance to dive deeper into psychological analysis. Some viewers may be left with unanswered questions about the inner workings of McNair’s mind.

Nevertheless, Untold: The Murder of Air McNair offers a sobering look at the vulnerabilities that can lie behind a hero’s facade. It not only honors McNair’s considerable contributions to the sport, but also serves as a poignant reminder of the human being behind the jersey.