The Symphony of Snowfall

The Grand Unanswered

The Grand Unanswered need not clear its throat.
Nor raise a hand.
Nor stand.
The Grand Unanswered is.

So what say you, then,
To the trembling leaf at the edge of descent,
To the spark between flint and steel,
To the horizon where sea meets sky,
And the canyon echo that returns, unchanged?

What will you make of the threads that weave,
Unseen, through the fabric of moments?
Will you trace their patterns with curious fingers,
And let their textures speak silences?
In each twist and tangle, each smooth expanse,

Lies a world waiting to unfurl.

In the pause between heartbeats,
In the moment between thought and action,
In the breath before the plunge,
The Grand Unanswered invites you to listen.

To the symphony of snowfall,
To the weight of sunlight,
To the shadow of summer that stretches, then shrinks,
What stories will your footsteps write?

The Grand Unanswered is.
What say you, then?