Monthly Archives: August 2024

Happy Birthday Commodus!

  • Commodus was born on August 31, 161 AD, coincidentally sharing a birthdate with Caligula.
  • He was the son of Marcus Aurelius, one of Rome’s “Five Good Emperors,” and the first emperor “born in the purple” (while his father was emperor).
  • Commodus became co-emperor with his father at the age of 16 and sole emperor at 18 when Marcus Aurelius died.
  • He was obsessed with gladiatorial combat and often participated in the arena himself, fighting against disabled opponents or wild animals.
  • Commodus renamed Rome “Colonia Commodiana” (Colony of Commodus) and tried to rename all twelve months after himself.
  • He identified himself with the demigod Hercules and often appeared in public dressed as the mythical hero.
  • Commodus was known for his extravagance and narcissism, commissioning numerous statues of himself throughout Rome.
  • He survived multiple assassination attempts, including one orchestrated by his older sister Lucilla.
  • His reign is often considered the beginning of the decline of the Roman Empire.
  • Commodus was ultimately assassinated on New Year’s Eve 192 AD, strangled in his bath by his wrestling partner Narcissus.
  • Commodus is portrayed as the antagonist in the 2000 film “Gladiator,” although the movie takes significant liberties with historical accuracy for dramatic effect.