Monthly Archives: May 2024

The Subtle Art of Moving Forward

October Whispers

You left on a quiet night,
as October whispered its final secrets.
Now, sunrise paints a picture
of empty spaces where your light withdrew.

The chair by the window sits untouched,
a silent witness to the stories you chose not to share.
Moments we collected now sepia,
fading into corners of rooms you couldn’t bear.

I search for you in the breath of wind,
in the blood moon stillness.
I gather pieces you left behind,
trying to map the contours of your absence.

Yet, amidst the quiet of echo,
I feel the embrace of each dawn anew.
In the subtle art of moving forward,
there lies a form of homage to the resilience you never knew,
but never lost.

Be The Sheep in Black

This photo was taken by a Turkish photographer after a goat gave birth to a baby on an icy mountain. To save the life of the goat and the baby, a village girl (shepherdess) carried the mother on her shoulder and the girl’s dog saved the newborn goat by carrying her down.

And so humanity goes…

The Opera, The Stolen Sea

Day Swirls

O ye who question your place in the vastness,

who seek meaning in the ceaseless swirl of days,

amid passing faces,

each with their own story, and silent struggles, and fleeting triumphs.

The citysurf hums with life, an orchestra of existence,

and in this symphony, you are a part, a voice,

not forgotten, not drowned, but essential.

The doubt, the weariness, the questions that linger,

they too are part of the Tapestry, woven into the fabric of being.

And what of you? What of your place?

Amid the lyrics, the chorus of life, you, too, are a verse,

a line, a vital thread, adding dimensions to the whole.

So, take heart, ye who ponder and seek,

for the answer lies in the act of living,

in the embrace of the fleeting,

a recognition of your own presence.